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Blogs @ Oréll

World-class AI-Powered Language Lab Platform which
helps to achieve language proficiency

5 September 2024

The Role of Language Labs in Preparing Students for Global Citizenship

Language labs have become an indispensable tool in modern education. These labs provide students with a comprehensive learning experience that helps them develop their language skills and cultural awareness, making them better prepared for global citizenship. In this article, we'll explore the role of language labs in preparing students for global citizenship and how they are achieving that goal.

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11 September 2024

The Importance of Conversational Practice in Language Learning

As language learners, we often focus on reading, writing, and grammar rules. However, one crucial aspect of language learning that is often overlooked is conversational practice. Conversational practice is an essential part of language learning because it helps learners to develop their speaking and listening skills, as well as their confidence and fluency. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of conversational practice in language learning, and how OrellTalk can help learners to improve their speaking skills.

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